Happy Halloween Everyone,
I am at the gallery on royal, with the old french door opens. I put cranberry juice in a champagne flute and wrapped a scarf around my head; theres long black velvet from my shoulders tiered by cowboy roach crushers on the heals, really wears well with Bijork on the Bose speaker. Just to help paint the picture that: This is the place to be!
Costume and people watching, the early start to pardoned tricks and treats
But what really brought me here is the thinning of the veil. The emergence of the shadows and the breaking of the 4th wall. When I say ‘tis the season, this is exactly what I mean. If spiritual presence establishes the unexplained, then we are shown there are more than one way to skin a cat. The many ways in which we can uncover and unclothe ourselves. Just another strip tease for your minds.
But truly what I mean by this is that this experience is all subjective. The philosophy should remain simple: do no harm.
We are at a point in the Human Evolution that I see as obviously wrong. Our demographics, our boundaries, our religions that are killing us. Until we get to a collective reasoning of respect to culture and tradition, and less of control and need to prove. Until the Oil-oligarchs have their black tar awakening-
I want you to know that the culture that taught you that you are broken is WRONG.
The culture that told you to fear death, capitalized on it. It wanted control and manipulation, it wanted a definitive way of beauty. It couldn’t fathom the truth of the indigenous world. It created a rigorous process that totally skewed the real system.
The thematic displays of inhibition around the globe have called for the liberation of your spirit. A needed reminder that brothers and sisters and friends are everywhere.
Here as we gather at this time of the year, New Moon in Scorpio, Samhain, Día de Los Muertos, one meets their maker, near and far, once separated by death now joined by the unexplained. By practice. By ritual. By prayer.
Somehow part of a conversation from Sunday night cradled into someone saying “Love your woman like she’s broken” and while I remained intrigued, recognizing the truth and honesty, the tenderness he wished to bestow..
I saved the rebuttals, although I knew there was something off in the jargon.
Love her with the likeness that ALL of her experience commends her wholeness. Remind her that it is not she who is broken, but rather a multifaceted spirited creature navigating corruption, with the same ability to radiate sensationally.
Because what does soft mean to a strong woman?
So while I agreed with the structure to his sentiment, allowing love to seep in like liquid gold, and yes, there is a lot of “fixing” we need to do,
I dispel the idea that one is inherently broken.
When you break, when you hurt, when you question the pain, when you die and are reborn again, those are all the gifts that prove you’re whole.
Good luck out there, the sun is still shining while it is starting to rain. Maybe I should have brought an umbrella but truthfully, it’s a good excuse to get wet.